New HL-8 - rough start

Hi all, took delivery of a new HL8 and it’s been a little of a rough start:

  1. When I installed drives, the “45Drives Disks” tab didn’t show anything even though the disks did show up using ‘lsblk’. Looking in the manual I discovered I needed to manually map the disk slots (found in the troubleshooting section.) Shouldn’t this have been done at the factory since I paid for the full burn in?

  2. Once #1 above was done, I set about creating a pool. Pretty simple to accomplish. However, when done, no pools show up in “45Drives ZFS” even though, again, the pool shows up on the command line (zpool list). Also, in the “45Drives Disk” section, the pool shows up there - just not in “45Drives ZFS”. What gives?


What version of “45Drives ZFS” is currently installed on the server?

Could you try updating to make sure you have the latest packages with the bug fixes in them?

Thanks for replying. Says, “ZFS 1.1.15-6built_from_source”. Everything’s fully up-to-date.

If I manually run the python script that gets pool data, I do get JSON back that looks correct. Also, then refreshing the pool list in the UI, I can hear it hit the disks…just nothing is returned in the UI.

Hey CPN! Sorry to hear you’re off to a rough start. Was the pool created using aliases? It’s been a while since I played around with Houston UI but I do remember a lot of stuff not working right if the ZFS pool referenced device names or paths instead of aliases.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I’ve tried using aliases and direct hardware paths - both behave the same - no pools reported. :frowning:

Hey CPN,
If you do not mind running the command
dnf list installed | grep cockpit-zfs
this should tell you what version of ZFS module you have. There was a problem originally where pools would not show up in the UI but on my test server they started showing up again with version “1.1.16”
If yours is on a lower version you should try running a
dnf update to get the latest version.
I hope this helps and sorry about the troubles you are facing!

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Reports as:

cockpit-zfs.noarch 1.1.15-6.el8 @45drives_stable

Running ‘dnf update’ reports no updates. Do I need to be on a bleeding edge channel or something?

Hey CPN,

I am pulling it from the same 45drives_stable repository so that is strange
If you wanted you could try removing it and reinstalling it using
dnf remove cockpit-zfs
dnf install cockpit-zfs
When going to install it should show the version, if it is still .15 I will try and find out why that may be.
If you have any other questions please let me know!

reinstalling cockpit-zfs indicates the same version reinstalled:

cockpit-zfs noarch 1.1.15-6.el8 45drives_stable 302 k
Installing dependencies:
python3-libzfs x86_64 2.1.1-2.el8 45drives_stable 384 k

Going into the Updates UI in Houston and refreshing did show a new 1.1.6 version of the ZFS cockpit modules. I installed that and…no difference. :frowning:

Maybe it’s related to cached metadata? You could try dnf clean all or adding the --refresh flash to dnf upgrade as the article below suggests.

linux - Get freshest metadata in dnf on Fedora - Super User

Thanks. Already tried that (see above).

Gotcha - I see that now.

Im sorry to hear you are having issues with the new HL8.

Could you try uninstalling “cockpit-zfs” and instead install “cockpit-zfs-manager”

Once you do that, let me know if the pool shows. if it does, I will inform the devs that there is a bug with the new ZFS UI we built for the HL8

Hi. Yes, installing cockpit-zfs-manager makes the pools show up so it must be a problem with cockpit-zfs. :-(. I also saw an update for 1.1.17 of cockpit-zfs but it has the same problem.

Is there any additional logging I can look at or instrumentation I can enable to narrow this down?

Next issue: unable to connect to the machine via SMB.

  1. Tried with samba firewall rules added (the HL8 docs say the samba TCP ports are 133/145 when they should be 139/145??).
  2. Disabled firewall altogether.

Back into the terminal, I don’t see any smbd or nmbd processes running.

Here’s what samba related services are loaded:

[root@hl-8 ~]# dnf list installed | grep samba
samba-client-libs.x86_64 4.19.4-5.el8_10 @baseos
samba-common.noarch 4.19.4-5.el8_10 @baseos
samba-common-libs.x86_64 4.19.4-5.el8_10 @baseos
samba-common-tools.x86_64 4.19.4-5.el8_10 @45drives_stable
samba-ldb-ldap-modules.x86_64 4.19.4-5.el8_10 @45drives_stable
samba-libs.x86_64 4.19.4-5.el8_10 @45drives_stable

Any ideas?

So, I installed samba and, guess what? I can see shares now. Why the heck wasn’t samba installed on this brand new HL-8? I’m pretty frustrated with this at this point. :frowning:

Are there any other new HL8 owners running into these issues? Not having the main Samba apps installed seems hard for me to understand. Am I missing something?
