Hi everyone, could use your feedback on my selected hardware, since I’m not building this for myself
I initially signed up for the full HL15 build, but then realized that 6 threads and 16 GiB ram won’t cut it for the work my partner needs to do for her job, she’s a neuroscience researcher, basically looking at pictures like this all day:
(which I myself don’t understand)
The basic short-term need is to run GitHub - ANTsX/ANTs: Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs) and similar neuroimaging workflows like GitHub - scilus/tractoflow: TractoFlow: A robust, efficient and reproducible diffusion MRI pipeline leveraging Nextflow & Singularity
Computing this kind of result for 200 patients takes about 3 days on one machine 12 threads with 128GiB ram (anything less ends up in OOM errors, so she needs to start over, which royally sucks)
The longer-term need is to collaborate with the rest of her lab, at least 3 other researchers doing similar kind of work. For that, they use Compute Canada but space is limited to some obnoxiously low 20TiB, which is why they all have external drives physically moving patient data around town when not working from home(!). And with https://www.science.org/content/article/white-house-requires-immediate-public-access-all-u-s--funded-research-papers-2025 going into effect in 2 years, well, they’re just not going to be able to accomplish anything at that scale, say 2000 patients, or 10 x today’s workload…
So the longer term idea is each peer researcher gets 3+ HL15s at home, in an HA configuration, so they can back up each others data/results. Which would be a 1/10 of the cost of using AWS S3, last I checked. Welcome to the other meaning of “home lab”, i.e.: bring your lab at home
Here’s what I have so far: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/pcuci/saved/LD4ckL
Feel free to share feedback either here or on pcpartpicker
The reason I went the pcpartpicker route is that researchers, being not that rich, need to make do with what they have, so my reasoning is that readily available consumer hardware would be a much better long-term reproducible choice(?)