HL15 Release / Shipping Timeline

They are in Sydney, Nova Scotia I believe. Where it is already past 6PM.

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I know I had emailed a bit earlier and they were working on making sure the preorders were queued up for priority.

From past experience with similar types of ecommerce launches, if this is the first time they’re working on an order queueing system, my guess is there are still some bugs they’re ironing out.

I think (or at least hope!) they are working on making sure people who reserved spots are able to order first, and won’t have any major snafus.

But fingers crossed this thing still opens up today!


Well, store is live although no email and not clear how to apply preorder code quite yet… getting closer!


When I enter my discount code in, it tells me it is invalid.

@seanseagren I also have the e-mail telling me that the store is live but I do not have my e-mail with an account to sign up with. I am hoping I will see it soon!

Same issue. Hopefully someone on here can share the site.

the 45homelab.com page just updated for me with an actual store.

I created an account, but cart is definitely not ready for prime time quite yet. Seems to be locked to a particular product… guess I just have to be a little patient for the next email.

I am trying to figure out if I should be making an account using my pre-order e-mail or if I should be waiting for the mentioned link.

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That is what I did, and got the activation email. But would probably wait, hoping when things settle and the second email arrives all will be well…

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Store and cart seems to need some help. Unsure about booking the order right now. Can’t change the product options, and when I do by starting over, the product doesn’t update. :frowning:

The order page seems to be missing some options too. They said there are supposed to be SSD mounts that can hold up to 10 SSDs inside the motherboard space, like they have on their 45 drives models, but it is not one of the options on the order page.

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Has this been made clear yet? I have the “the store is live” email but not the “create an account” email. Can I just move ahead and create the account on the site or will that mess up some linkage and cause more problems?

I created an account and placed order with discount code from original reservation e-mail.

My order has been placed!


Order placed as well… Can’t wait


Hi. I created the store acount, configured the order, applied the discount from original email. everything was fine. however i never checked out beacasue i decided to change the configuration. Now the discount code does not work. it says that it has been used.

I had this issue too, and I’ve dropped them an email!

can’t pick a Package, so I can’t order :frowning:

I can’t login or choose anything anymore. Store is broken.

Please help!