Does the HL15 comes with a warranty?

Hi there,

I have received my HL15 and pretty happy with it so far, I am still in the testing phases of what to do with it.

But its power button does not work (the light does though), no big deal since I can use a screwdriver to turn it on or (way better) the iPMI of its motherboard.

So here is the question, where do I go to get that fixed if possible?


Hi @elr3m, Glad you got your case.

I don’t know if there is a warranty per se, but 45 drives has seemed to be very attentive to fixing issues. I’d reach out to

This same issue has happened in a few other builds.

Seems like a simple re-wiring issue.

Ok, thank you will do!

Hey there, @elr3m

We absolutely have warranty in place. You can read more about it specifically in our Terms and Conditions.

Our friend @daemon1001 was kind enough to direct you to, and we appreciate that. I think you had reached out already, but please do if you haven’t yet so we can make note internally that your unit has been affected and rectify this for you as soon as possible.

Great response, but we all know that nobody reads the T&C and just presses ‘Accept’ lol


@Lavavex In most cases, yes! Haha.