45Drives Tools: dalias - Error Duplicate Device Path Found Ignoring

Here’s what you can do.
edit /opt/45drives/dalias/dalias.conf to look like this:

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# /opt/45drives/dalias/dalias.conf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is used by dalias (device aliasing program).
# Useage: Provide a list of device aliases in this file. 
# Each entry must be on a line of its own. 
# Whitespace will be automatically trimmed from each alias name. 

run sudo dalias (note, we’re not using the template argument here.). Map your drives 1-1 thru 1-8.
It will make /etc/vdev_id.conf once you have gone through the mapping process for 1-1 thru 1-8.

Make a backup of this somewhere, just in case you have trouble with the next part.

next, take every drive out of your system.
put a single drive into slot 1-9.
run ls -al /dev/disk/by-path
Look for the path to that disk in the output. (it shouldn’t have “part” in the name. look at your vdev_id.conf for an example what the path should look like.)

add a line in /etc/vdev_id.conf to alias slot 1-9 using the device path for your disk.
reload and trigger your udev rules:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

run lsdev

If you see a drive in slot 1-9, you did it right.

Now, go ahead and take out the drive from 1-9 and Repeat this process for every remaining drive bay in your machine until you have a valid /etc/vdev_id.conf.

I don’t know why, but depending on how your drives are physically connected (slot 1-9 thru 1-15 are likely handled by another storage controller.) Things aren’t matching up the way the 1-1 thru 1-8. If you get stuck just post a screen grab of the output of ls -al /dev/disk/by-path with only drive 1-9 inserted and we’ll go from there.

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