HL15 Setup and Build Log

Small update, firstly thank you @DigitalGarden, I successfully setup Houston on top of proxmox! I had to follow this guide to make it work and some random google searches to correct issues. I really like this method better than my previous idea, which included disk pass-through to a Truenas VM.

Thank you @rymandle05! I ended up forcing an update for all 45drives packages through yum before I overwrote the Roky install. Doing a normal yum update did not work as there were packages being held back stopping the update for all packages. Targeted updates did in fact fix my mono display issue.

The largest issue I’ve run into so far with installing Houston on top of Proxmox is that the drive aliases were not present, and generating them using dalias was a pain. I ended up having to use the work around found here. Using the modified version of dalias from that post, as well as updating the template to only have the first 8 bays, dalias worked great. I then manually updated /etc/vdev_id.conf after finding the path for each disk in bays 9-15. After a quick udevadm control --reload-rules and udevadm trigger, all works well now!

EDIT: Another small fix. I had to follow these instructions to fix missing fonts and icons in Houston’s ZFS manager.

I now have all 15 drives installed and aliased, as well as my two NVME drives. time to start building my ZFS pools. This process was not 100% fool-proof either, and I expect I’m backing myself into a corner long term. In the end this is for fun!