Bought an HL15 and I can’t believe I’ve been waiting for over 53 years and it hasn’t even shipped!
Hopefully the mail pony with my package hasn’t gotten lost…
Bought an HL15 and I can’t believe I’ve been waiting for over 53 years and it hasn’t even shipped!
Hopefully the mail pony with my package hasn’t gotten lost…
Ditto it’s crazy they had the technology back then
That’s how stable and reliable ZFS is! Hahahahah
epoch time . I know this too well being a developer…
Oh man, that brings back some memories. The most recent use of it was when we all started dumping our Steam Deck preorders in to a calculator/DB to try and “guesstimate” our fulfillment date. Many probably learned what epoch time was because of Valve!
haha! milliseconds since 1/1/1970!
I remember this! Man it got the shipping date to a few days for me and that was incredibly impressive
I know the feeling! If I had known that waiting till the 14th after the store issues was going to add an extra week+ I would have stayed up later trying to get my pre-order code working. I’m like a kid waiting for their birthday/Christmas refreshing my emails checking if I’m in production or not. Every time my email dings I go check right away only to see its the Costco weekly deals email lol.
Staying up late that night wouldn’t have sped it up much. I got my order in on the 13th and while I did receive my “in production” email on Nov 2nd, there’s still no word on it being shipped. Luckily, I’m in no rush and don’t have a build fully planned out, so I’m being patient. haha
For sure, I’m in no rush in reality. Gave me time to put up the Christmas lights today before it snows. Watched a movie with the kids, played video games, made dinner. Adult life
I got mine a few days ago, im loving it, just have to wait till after Christmas to actually be able to afford drives lol
Do we know what the average lead time is? I ordered my hl15/PSU on the 21st. I can’t wait to build it!
I’m still waiting on HL15s that were ordered in October I think the last of the three is in Seattle and FedEx should show up after Christmas with it, so “order to receipt” was about 2 months? Unclear to me whether orders placed today will take 8 weeks, less because the backlog is clearing, or more because there are tons of orders stacking up. @Vikram-45HomeLab has been great at giving updates.
Hey @SpringerSpaniel,
I see that you received your HL15 soon after Christmas, and I hope you had time to work on your HL15 over the holidays.
@clevercompiler I am pleased to let you know that if you placed an order this week, then your order will be estimated to ship in the early weeks of February.
Thank you for your support and belief.
Thanks Vikram, I do now have all three units
Still working to get this one finalized and then need to duplicate the build twice more. No issues other than availability of time on my side!
Good job on the team… my case only arrived 20 days early.
what thermal camera are you using?
That one was shot with a FLIR E5 Pro.