Can anyone suggest a reliable source for HBA cards? The market seems rife with knock-offs, and it’s really hard to tell what you’re getting when you place an order.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
[Edit: I see they have them for sale in the store here now, which I guess partially answers my own question, but would be interested in knowing other sources for other cards–say the 9300 series–that might be somewhere between the $1100 card and the $50 card.]
The Art of Server seems legit. He has an ebay store and a YT channel where he has posted, among other things, videos on detecting fake cards.
Art of Server
He’s totally legit, you can msg him and talk to him about your plans, he will help you a lot…
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Is there any functional difference with counterfeits? Data corruption, other bad stuff like that?
Have some maintenance planned soon, I will have a look at the LSI 9207 8i I got from seller SXTAIGOOD on Amazon.