Potential failing SATA connection on slot 12


Got my HL15 up and running and loving it, it’s awesome! I have a potential problem though on slot 12 where any drive I plug into it after a while starts very quickly upping the UDMA CRC Error Count. Moving the drive into any of the others slots is fine.

If I’m right then it’s not the HBA or cable attached as that should throw the same errors on slots 9, 10 and 11 also?

Anyway, I can’t put this drive anywhere else as all other slots are now filled so I guess I’ll keep it as a cold spare, juuuuust in case of emergency.

Any ideas on what I can look at once my Unraid parity rebuild has finished to maybe resurrect the slot??

It is possible that just one of the channels in a cable is affected. If possible you could try flipping two of the cables at the HBA and see if the error follows whatever new channel the OS sees as “slot 12”. Or, replace the cable if you had a spare. But if one of those tests fail, you probably need to request a replacement backplane. that would be the first time I’ve seen that here.

Is it a full build and you just replaced the OS, or is it a custom build? If custom, how many separate molex did you use to connect the PSU? Either way, you should probably also recheck the power cabling.

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Just case with power supply and cable set included. I’ll have a go at the cables later today or tomorrow as I run Unraid and it’s in the middle of a parity sync given I introduced 6 new drives to the build.

One other idea as a long shot; use some compressed air or a hand blower and just check that there isn’t some stray dust in the slot.

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I can try that after work for sure!