Mix SAS and SATA on HL15 Backplane?

I am getting ready to buy a HL15, I have a 9305-16i waiting to be used and plan to migrate my current proxmox homelab over to the HL15. I run Truenas virutalized via a passed through h310 HBA currenlty.

Anyways… as part of this migration, I plan to upgrade my ZFS array from the current 10x4tb 5400 WD Reds to, likely, 6 or 7 14 TB Mach2 SAS drives, but I would also like to use SSD’s for a metadata special device in ZFS. I have a few 256 SSD’s laying around, and I would like to use 3 of them in a 3 way mirror for this task, but they are SATA…

Can I use SATA and SAS drives, through the HL15 backplane and through a single HBA, assuming they drives are in different arrays?

If not, I suppose I could always pass through the SATA controller on the motherboard to truenas and run them off the mobo’s SATA ports, but, ideally I would like to use the drive bays in the front since “thats what I am paying for with the awesome HL15 case”.

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Yes that shouldn’t be a problem.

You’ll need to use the official caddies to mount the SSDs in the 3.5" bays, or one of the other hacks since they’re kinda pricey if you don’t print them yourself.

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Ok, sweet. I wasn’t sure if there would be some comparability issues with SAS and SATA running on the same controller and backplane.

I would print the caddies myself, so that should be easy enough.

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