Hey guys. I would love to build a eypc based server in the hl15 now I see Second, hand. Cpu’s and motherboards on the market at reasonable prices.
I just have no idea which one to choose. I assume I’m looking for. decent core count as well. as well as good single core performance but I know nothing about the epic line Up until now, my old truenas box was thread Ripper.
So if anyone has any recommendations, looking to spend1500-2k or below
It’s gonna be used. for high-performance video. editing nas / plex server 4kmkv transcoding as well as some vms for 4k video rendering with a GPU
I have a 25gig pcie card already as well as some ecc ram So hopefully that will be compatible. I’ll have to go see what sticks there. They’re from a 45 drives server I upgraded the ram in
epyc atleast up to turin, single core performance is like a decade old consumer CPU, main reason for an epyc is the PCI lanes/slots. ThreadRipper has about double the consumer pci lanes, and good single/multicore performance. ThreadRipper PRO has same lanes as epyc with good single core
Ya, and Ryzen, Intel Core Gen 12-14 are like double that single core performance and 5-6Ghz range So you need to make sure you prioritize cores and clocks according to your work loads. Applications that aren’t highly multithreaded you are better usually with lower cores higher clocks.
Yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna be gaming on any of the VM 's. It’s all gonna be multi threaded tasks, storage server. and rendering which. is multithreaded.