HL4 And HL8 Available For Purchase

We’re thrilled to announce that the HL4 & HL8 are now available for purchase, with shipping starting on October 21st, 2024 (The priority of customers’ orders being shipped is based on the date/time of the final purchase being completed)

If you made a pre-sale deposit, we also sent an email your way.

To get your server, head over to the 45HomeLab Store!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@45homelab.com or 866-471-8188.


@Vikram-45HomeLab Question on the Acrylic Panel option. Is this option an additional front panel so I’ll have both the standard panel with fan mounts and the acrylic panel to switch between as I see fit?


Posted this in another thread:


I was going through the order process and it said shipping is free. Is this intended behaviour? Shipping within Canada.

Also, Is there a manual for the HL8 and HL4?

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Hi @rymandle05,

The Acrylic Panel is an upgrade to the standard metal front panel. so you can either go with the metal front or the Acrylic front.

Thanks @Vikram-45HomeLab! Am I also correct in the assumption that a case fan is then only possible with the metal front?

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Hi @rymandle05,

You are correct, the fan is only available with the metal front plate variant.

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Will it be possible to buy the acrylic panel for the HL8 on it’s own down the line? I went with metal for now but it would by nice to have the option switch it up.

Also, if in the future I come up with a design for a custom front panel, would it be possible to buy that on it’s own too?


Hi @rymandle05,

I wanted to correct myself when i said that the HL4/8 with acrylic fronmt does not come with the fan. The HL8 comes with two Fans on the front with the metal front and when you upgrade to the Acrylic front the fans are installed on the back of the drive cage.

The HL4 on other hand comes with one fan on the front with the metal front and if you go with the acrylic front then the fan is installed on the back.


Hi @Vikram-45HomeLab ,

Is it possible to show some pictures of these configurations? On the models I saw, maybe prototypes the fans were on the left side of the case?


Hi @rnaaijkens,

I have requested for more images, and I will post more details of the HL4 & HL8 as soon as they are available to me.


Hi @stillzman,

Thank you for bringing this question up. I can say that yes, we will have the Acrylic front and custom faceplate options as a components in the near future.

Ordered my HL4 early this week. So, starting my first homelab journey when it arrives. :slight_smile: