HL15 initial start (preinstalled system)

ZFS Cockpit now matches.

ZFS lines in smb.conf removed. and SAMBA restarted.

I only added the shares, nothing was changed:

netconf list

-bash: netconf: command not found

net conf list

Unknown parameter encountered: "includes"
Unknown parameter encountered: "includes"
	security = user
	passdb backend = tdbsam
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes
	cups options = raw
	workgroup = SAMBA
	include = /etc/samba/usershares.conf

	comment = Home Directories
	valid users = %S, %D%w%S
	browseable = No
	read only = No
	inherit acls = Yes

	comment = All Printers
	path = /var/tmp
	printable = Yes
	create mask = 0600
	browseable = No

	comment = Printer Drivers
	path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
	write list = @printadmin root
	force group = @printadmin
	create mask = 0664
	directory mask = 0775

	path = /Main/Multimedia
	guest ok = no
	comment = 
	read only = no
	browseable = yes
	valid users = "45drives"

	path = /Main/Backups
	guest ok = no
	comment = 
	read only = no
	browseable = yes
	valid users = "%D%w%S" "%S" "45drives"

Error is the same. Rebooting after all the changes didn’t help either.

In the advanced option of the global section can you remove the line include = /etc/samba/usershares.conf and then restart SMB?

We need to remove that warning on testparm before SMB is going to work for us I believe.

I tried that and get the following error:

Failed to apply global settings

net: Unknown parameter encountered: “includes”
Error: given parameter ‘include’ is not set. (255)

and the values remain unchanged.

I removed it wit samba-regedit

systemctl restart smb.service 

Still broken.

This is now clean net conf list

	security = user
	passdb backend = tdbsam
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes
	cups options = raw
	workgroup = SAMBA

	comment = Home Directories
	valid users = %S, %D%w%S
	browseable = No
	read only = No
	inherit acls = Yes

	comment = All Printers
	path = /var/tmp
	printable = Yes
	create mask = 0600
	browseable = No

	comment = Printer Drivers
	path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
	write list = @printadmin root
	force group = @printadmin
	create mask = 0664
	directory mask = 0775

	path = /Main/Multimedia
	guest ok = no
	comment = 
	read only = no
	browseable = yes
	valid users = "45drives"

	path = /Main/Backups
	guest ok = no
	comment = 
	read only = no
	browseable = yes
	valid users = "%D%w%S" "%S" "45drives"

The SFP+ ports are LAG bonded with 802.3ad, but I don’t that it should matter.

Now that the include lines are gone are you still getting the same thing in Samba? if so I would suggest setting the log level to 4 and tail the SMB log while you try to connect to see if that indicates the issue

Error persists, log:

[2023/11/30 19:35:39.809853,  0] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_service.c:749(make_connection_snum)
  make_connection_snum: canonicalize_connect_path failed for service Backups, path /Main/Backups
[2023/11/30 19:35:39.809918,  3] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3964(smbd_smb2_request_error_ex)
  smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME] || at ../../source3/smbd/smb2_tcon.c:151

find /Main/ -ls

       34      1 drwxr-xr-x   4  root     root            4 Nov 28 07:49 /Main/
       34      1 drwxr-xr-x   2  root     root            2 Nov 28 07:49 /Main/Backups
       34      1 drwxrwxr-x   2  45drives 45drives        2 Nov 30 03:42 /Main/Multimedia
root       11468  0.0  0.0 419532 25168 ?        Ss   19:02   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
root       11473  0.0  0.0 410248 11188 ?        S    19:02   0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
root       11474  0.0  0.0 410248  4360 ?        S    19:02   0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
root       11500  0.0  0.0 426228 19992 ?        S    19:04   0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group

Maybe the share defaults aren’t right?

I see whats going on. Your tryting to use SMB2 to connect to the server.


min protocol = SMB2

Then restart SMB and try again

Same result:

[2023/11/30 20:02:42.482042,  0] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_service.c:749(make_connection_snum)
  make_connection_snum: canonicalize_connect_path failed for service Backups, path /Main/Backups
[2023/11/30 20:02:42.482076,  3] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3964(smbd_smb2_request_error_ex)
  smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME] || at ../../source3/smbd/smb2_tcon.c:151

net conf list

	security = user
	passdb backend = tdbsam
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes
	cups options = raw
	workgroup = SAMBA
	log level = 4
	server min protocol = SMB2

	comment = Home Directories
	valid users = %S, %D%w%S
	browseable = No
	read only = No
	inherit acls = Yes

	comment = All Printers
	path = /var/tmp
	printable = Yes
	create mask = 0600
	browseable = No

	comment = Printer Drivers
	path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
	write list = @printadmin root
	force group = @printadmin
	create mask = 0664
	directory mask = 0775

	path = /Main/Multimedia
	guest ok = no
	comment = 
	read only = no
	browseable = yes
	valid users = "45drives"

	path = /Main/Backups
	guest ok = no
	comment = 
	read only = no
	browseable = yes
	valid users = "%D%w%S" "%S" "45drives"

Can you try to remove the capitals in the share and make a new path without capitals? Linux is case sensitive whereas Windows is not as much so that could be causing it.

The error also says the following from the log:

From linux:

[2023/11/30 20:44:26.987738,  0] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_service.c:749(make_connection_snum)
  make_connection_snum: canonicalize_connect_path failed for service backups, path /Main/Backups
[2023/11/30 20:44:26.987879,  3] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3964(smbd_smb2_request_error_ex)
  smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME] || at ../../source3/smbd/smb2_tcon.c:151
[2023/11/30 20:44:26.988121,  3] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3964(smbd_smb2_request_error_ex)
  smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_NETWORK_NAME_DELETED] || at ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3253

From Windows 10:

[2023/11/30 20:46:06.837423,  0] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_service.c:749(make_connection_snum)
  make_connection_snum: canonicalize_connect_path failed for service backups, path /Main/Backups
[2023/11/30 20:46:06.837455,  3] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3964(smbd_smb2_request_error_ex)
  smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME] || at ../../source3/smbd/smb2_tcon.c:151

Is it a permissions error?

# find /Main/ -ls
       34      1 drwxr-xr-x   4  root     root            4 Nov 28 07:49 /Main/
       34      1 drwxr-xr-x   2  root     root            2 Nov 28 07:49 /Main/Backups
       34      1 drwxrwxr-x   2  45drives 45drives        2 Nov 30 03:42 /Main/Multimedia

Switches in “File Sharing”

root:root on /Main/Backups ?

This doesn’t seem to do anything:

Linux on the client sees everything as far as I can tell:
$ smbclient -L //hl15 --user=45drives --workgroup=SAMBA --password=********

Can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 4.18.6)
	print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
	backups         Disk      
	multimedia      Disk      
	45drives        Disk      Home Directories
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available

Is HL15 not the SMB server name?

smbclient \\HL15\backups -I --user=45drives --workgroup=SAMBA --password=******** -l

Can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

Still broken with

	security = user
	passdb backend = tdbsam
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes
	cups options = raw
	workgroup = SAMBA
	log level = 4
	server min protocol = SMB2
	netbios name = HL15

what is the hostname on the system?

I would suggest removing anything with capital from SMB and then trying.

Name is unchanged: hl15

Already renamed to “backups” “multimedia”

Home directory “45drives” fails the same way.

Correction, 45drives fails with:

[2023/12/01 19:30:55.737530,  3] ../../source3/smbd/smb2_server.c:3964(smbd_smb2_request_error_ex)
  smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: smbd_smb2_request_error_ex: idx[1] status[NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED] || at ../../source3/smbd/smb2_create.c:340