Hard Drive 3.3v pins?

In the past I have had to cover a few of the pins on the HD Sata Connector to avoid some power issues.

Does the HL15 backplane require this modification on the hard drives as well ?

If this is the issue you are referring to;

Then since one of the given solutions is a molex-sata adapter, then I would say you shouldn’t need a workaround for your drives. The backplane is powered just from 4-pin molex, so is only receiving 12V and 5V, it isn’t receiving any 3.3V.

I haven’t had to do this for any of my drives, but I’ve been buying mainly Seagate drives.

yes - this is what I am talking about - but also - the drives I purchased were seagate and provided with power sata cables referencing this - so I was wondering if it would be needed on the HL15