I hate for this to be my first post, b/c I really hope I am not missing the plot. I have a fully decked out, brand new HL15 I just plugged in. The provided Username and Password (45drives + 45Dr!ves) doesnt work… I emailed my sales rep + support, I guess I will see what they say but did anyone else have any kind of issues like this?
Hey There @PR3SIDENT - Welcome to the forums!
Quick clarification: are you trying to access the IPMI or Rocky Linux? The username and password you referenced should be the default username and password for Rock Linux. The IPMI would be user name “ADMIN” and a randomly generated password. For my HL15, the password was on a sticker stuck on the outside side of the case.
I was trying to access the IPMI interface, it says in the instructions the username and password so maybe I was mistaken?
Ok yep that’s the IPMI. Look on the sides of your case. I think there should be a sticker with the password.
OK thanks, I think I got it from here!
If I remember correctly, I had to enable the service for cockpit on Rocky Linux. Go ahead and login into Rocky via the console with the username and password you referenced previously. From there you can run these commands:
sudo systemctl enable cockpit.socket
sudo systemctl start cockpit.socket